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В.Ф. Журавлёв


ISSN 0236-3933. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Приборостроение. 2017. № 2

Журавлёв Виктор Филиппович

— д-р физ.-мат. наук, профессор, академик Российской

aкадемии наук, главный научный сотрудник ИПМех им. А.Ю. Ишлинского РАН

(Российская Федерация, 119526, Москва, пр-т Вернадского, д. 101, корп. 1).

Просьба ссылаться на эту статью следующим образом:


В.Ф. Некорректные задачи механики // Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана.

Сер. Приборостроение. 2017. № 2. C. 77–85. DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2017-2-77-85


V.F. Zhuravlev

Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow,

Russian Federation



The concept of uncorrect statement of initial and bound-

ary value problems for partial differential equations

(PDE) was introduced by Hadamard. He presented the

first example of an uncorrect statement of the problem

for a specific PDE. Meanwhile, examples of uncorrect

statement of the problem exist in all branches of mechan-

ics. Hadamard and some of his followers believed that an

uncorrect statement of the problem does not make physi-

cal sense and such problems should not be solved. This

paper gives some examples of uncorrect statements of

mechanics problems. It also shows that if a problem has

an applied character, the overcoming of uncorrectness in

mathematical sense can help to improve the design in

practice. The latter fact may justify the studying of uncor-

rect problems

Uncorrect problems, dry friction,



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