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М.Л. Белов, В.А. Городничев, В.А. Алехин


ISSN 0236-3933. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Приборостроение. 2017. № 3



The paper is concerned with investigation of power of a

laser target signal from the rough earth surface in hazy

(optically-dense) atmosphere. The paper examines a com-

mon case of bistatic location wherein the transmitter and

receiver of the laser locator are situated in different points

of coordinate space. We found an analytic expression for

the received power of the laser target signal for lighting the

rough surface with local indicatrix of reflection, comprised

of diffuse (wide angle) and quasispecular (narrow angle)

components by a narrow laser beam in turbid medium.

The formula makes it possible to correctly describe the

relationship between the power of the laser target signal

and the distance to surface both in optically-transparent

earth atmosphere (on initial section of location line), and in

optically-dense earth atmosphere (for long distance laser

radar from surface)

Power of laser target signal, rough

surface, hazy atmosphere


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