Leontev Input-Output Balance Model as a Dynamic System Control Problem
Authors: Masaev S.N. | Published: 02.07.2021 |
Published in issue: #2(135)/2021 | |
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2021-2-66-82 | |
Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Management in Organizational Systems | |
Keywords: control theory, dynamical systems, input-output balance, object, control, matrix, nod |
The purpose of the study was to determine the problem of control of a dynamic system of higher dimension. Relying on Leontev input-output balance, we formalized the dynamic system and synthesized its control. Within the research, we developed a mathematical model that combines different working objects that consume and release various resources. The value of the penalty for all nodes and objects is introduced into the matrix representation of the problem, taking into account various options for their interaction, i.e., the observation problem. A matrix representation of the planning task at each working object is formed. For the formed system, a control loop is created; the influencing parameters of the external environment are indicated. We calculated the system operational mode, taking into account the interaction of the nodes of objects with each other when the parameters of the external environment influence them. Findings of research show that in achieving a complex result, the system is inefficient without optimal planning and accounting for the matrix of penalties for the interaction of nodes and objects of the dynamic system with each other. In a specific example, for a dynamic system with a dimension of 4.8 million parameters, we estimated the control taking into account the penalty matrix, which made it possible to increase the inflow of additional resources from the outside by 2.4 times from 130 billion conv. units up to 310 conv. units in 5 years. Taking into account the maximum optimization of control in the nodes, an increase of 3.66 times in the inflow of additional resources was ensured --- from 200.46 to 726.62 billion rubles
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