Анализ методов дифференциации лазерных принтеров по изображениям штрихов письменных знаков - page 12

2. B a n d i n g artifact reduction in electrophotographic processes using opc drum
velocity control / Cheng-Lun Chen, George T.-C. Chiu and Jan P. Allebach // NIP17:
Intern. Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies, StateplaceFlorida, October 2001. –
Vol. 17.
3. R o b u s t spatial-sampling controller design for banding reduction in
electrophotographic process / Cheng-Lun Chen, George T.-C. Chiu and J.P.
Allebach // IS&T’s NIP18: 20 Intern. Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies.
StateplaceCalifornia, September 29. – 2002. – Vol. 18.
4. I m a g e analysis as a tool for printer characterization and halftoning algorithm
development / J.P. Allebach, Guo-Yau Lin, Cheng-Lun Chen, Farhan A. Baqai, Je-Ho
Lee and George T.-C. Chiu // Fifth IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis
and Interpretation (SSIAI 02). – 2002.
5. Application of principal components analysis and Gaussian mixture models to printer
identification / Gazi N. Ali, Pei-Ju Chiang, Aravind K. Mikkilineni, George T. Chiu,
Edward J. Delp and J.P. Allebach // Proc. of the IS\&T’s NIP20: Intern. Conf. on
Digital Printing Technologies, October, vol. 20. – 2004.
6. C h r i s t o p h H., L a m p e r t L i n M e i , T h o m a s M. B r e u e l . Printing
technique classification for document counterfeit detection // Computational
Intelligence and Security (CIS) 2006, China.
7. E v a l u a t i o n of graylevel-features for printing technique classification in high-
throughput document management systems / Christian Schulze, Marco Schreyer,
Armin Stahl and Thomas M. Breuel // Computational Forensics Second International
Workshop, IWCF 2008. CityplaceWashington, StateDC, country-regionUSA. August
7–8. – 2008. – Proc.
8. J a c k T c h a n . Classifying digital prints according to their production process
using image analysis and artificial neural networks // Optical Security and Counterfeit
Deterrence Techniques Ill, Rudolf L. van Renesse, Willem A. 105 Vliegenthart,
Editors, Proc. of SPIE. – Vol. 3973 (2000).
9. J a c k T c h a n . The development of an image analysis system that can detect
fraudulent alterations made to printed images // Optical Security and Counterfeit
Deterrence Techniques V, edited by Rudolf L. van Renesse, Proc. of SPIE-IS&T
Electronic Imaging, SPIE. – 2004. – Vol. 5310.
10. P r i n t e r identification based on graylevel co-occurrence features for security and
forensic applications / A.K. Mikkilineni, P.-J. Chiang, G.N. Ali, G.T. Chiu, J.P.
Allebach, E.J. Delp // Proc. of the SPIE Intern. Conf. on Security, Steganography
and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VII. – Vol. 5681. March. – 2005.
11. P r i n t e r Identification Based on Texture Features / Aravind K. Mikkilineni, Pei-
Ju Chiang, G.N. Ali George T.-C. Chiu, Jan P. Allebach, Edward J. Delp // Proc. of
IS &T Intern. Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies. – 2004.
12. P r i n t e r Forensics using SVM Techniques / Aravind K. Mikkilineni, Osman
Arslan , Pei-Ju Chiang, Roy M. Kumontoy, Jan P. Allebach, George T.-C. Chiu,
Edward J. Delp // Proc. of IS&T’s NIP21: Intern. Conf. on Digital Printing
Technologies, Baltimore, MD; September 18. – 2005.
13. J a c k T c h a n . Forensic analysis of print using digital image analysis // Human
Vision and Electronic Imaging VIII, Bernice E. Rogowitz, Thrasyvoulos N. Happas,
Editors, Proc. of SPIE–IS&T Electronic Imaging, SPIE. – 2003. – Vol. 5007.
14. P r i n t e r differentiation using position dependent character attributes /
ImageXpert, Inc.
15. J. O l i v e r and J. C h e n . Use of signature analysis to discriminate digital printing
technologies // Proc. of IS&T’s NIP18: Intern. Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies,
16. P r i n t e r profiling for forensics and ballistics / E. Kee and H. Farid // ACM
Multimedia and Security Workshop, Oxford, UK, 2008.
ISSN 0236-3933. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. “Приборостроение”. 2012. № 1 119
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