Multi-Criteria Parametric Optimization of the TripleChannel Cross-Coupling Stabilizing System of an Aircraft
Authors: Aksenov A.S., Voronov E.M., Lyubavskiy K.K., Sychev S.I. | Published: 23.05.2014 |
Published in issue: #3(96)/2014 | |
DOI: | |
Category: Control Systems | |
Keywords: multi-object and multi-criteria system, stable-effective compromise, reference trajectory, equilibrium-arbitral algorithm, Nash equilibrium, stabilizing system, criterion of efficiency, pattern search |
Methods for optimizing control of multi-object and multi-criteria systems on the basis of stable-effective compromise concept are used in multi-criteria task to parametrically optimize the structurally-complex triple-channel stabilizing system of a statically stable aircraft with normal aerodynamic design under conditions of initial structural inconsistence of channels based on cross coupling between channels. The generalized stable-effective algorithm of multi-criteria optimization is formed on the basis of equilibrium-arbitral compromise. A complete set of cross couplings is revealed in the practically useful model of linearized stabilizing system of an anti-ship missile with "perturbed" reference trajectory of flight. Optimal modes of aircraft stabilization are investigated taking into account the stability, performance, static accuracy and control response under exposure to perturbations and with changes in the cross-coupling conditions.
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