Band Formulas for Analysis and Synthesis of Controlled Dynamic MIMO Systems
Authors: Zubov N.E., Mikrin E.A., Misrikhanov M.Sh., Ryabchenko V.N. | Published: 23.05.2014 |
Published in issue: #3(96)/2014 | |
DOI: | |
Category: Control Systems | |
Keywords: matrix zero divisor, dynamical system, controllability, band criterion, state feedback, parameterization of regulators |
The application of A.N. Krylov’s method in the control theory for solving various problems of analysis and synthesis of linear dynamic multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems is discussed. These problems include the calculation of a balanced implementation of the linear MIMO system transfer matrix in the state space; reduction and decomposition of a model of this system in the state space; the definition of controlled and observed subspaces; stabilization using state elements feedback; synthesis of the control that provides the system invariance to the external perturbation. An approach is presented for analysis and synthesis of linear dynamical MIMO-systems on the basis of band formulas of controllability analysis. Using transformations of controllability band matrices, the band formula, connecting the MIMO-system parameters and the characteristic polynomial coefficients, is found.
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