
Increasing the Dynamic Accuracy of a Gyroscope with Internal Elastic Gimbal in the Angular Rate Sensor Mode

Authors: Podchezertsev V.P., Nguyen D.D. Published: 28.12.2021
Published in issue: #4(137)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2021-4-188-207

Category: Instrument Engineering, Metrology, Information-Measuring Instruments and Systems | Chapter: Navigation Instruments  
Keywords: orientation and navigation systems, gyroscope, inner elastic gimbal, dynamic accuracy, angular rate sensor

Orientation and navigation systems increasingly use gyroscopes with internal elastic gimbal, due to their advantages in comparison with traditional gyroscopes: small mass-size characteristics, absence of dry friction, high enough accuracy. It is necessary to research not only static but also dynamic characteristics of gyroscope as an important link of this automatic control system, in order to ensure the functionality and to get the best characteristics of gyroscope systems in the process of operation. All this requires a detailed study of design and technological factors influence on the dynamic accuracy of the gyroscope, as well as the system as a whole. The paper deals with two-component angular rate sensor based on a gyroscope with an internal elastic gimbal. The design and technological factors determining the dynamic accuracy of this type of gyroscope are investigated. The numerical evaluation of each considered factor influence on the accuracy of the two-component device is given. A variant of compensation of the angle sensors inaccuracy influence and torque sensors influence on the dynamic accuracy of gyroscope is proposed and its efficiency is numerically evaluated


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