Aircraft Trajectory Motion Control Based on the Synergetic Control Approach
Authors: Mikhalin D.A., Chulin N.A. | Published: 27.01.2025 |
Published in issue: #4(149)/2024 | |
DOI: | |
Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: System Analysis, Control, and Information Processing | |
Keywords: flying vehicle, UAV, launch vehicle, trajectory control, nonlinear control, synergetic control theory, ACAR |
With the rapidly increasing requirements for the flying vehicles of various design, the problem of synthesizing the corresponding automatic control systems is becoming of utmost importance. Control systems used in practice are based on linearized representation of the control object dynamics that is permissible only in maintaining the reference mode relative to the operation mode. With significant alteration in flight parameters throughout its duration (for example, a launch vehicle in the active phase), replacing the nonlinear model with a set of linear ones, for example, with the "frozen coefficients" method, becomes ineffective. The paper considers application of the analytical design method for the aggregated regulators in controlling flight altitude and longitudinal speed of a flying vehicle with the nonlinear dynamics model. Stable motion to the phase space required points is implemented with alteration in the other object state variables. The closed system demonstrates its high roughness to alteration in the flying vehicle aerodynamic parameters in the entire range of the studied altitudes and the Mach numbers. The air velocity and altitude control channels are not competing, but coordinating. They are not introducing additional disturbances into each other operation
Please cite this article in English as:
Mikhalin D.A., Chulin N.A. Aircraft trajectory motion control based on the synergetic control approach. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Instrument Engineering, 2024, no. 4 (149), pp. 110--127 (in Russ.). EDN: ZPUPFY
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