Potential Application of a Highly Detailed Mathematical Model of the Target Environment in Test Benches for Simulating Synthetic-Aperture Radars
Authors: Syuzev V.V., Dodenko I.A. | Published: 28.11.2017 |
Published in issue: #6(117)/2017 | |
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2017-6-76-92 | |
Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Methods, and Program Complexes | |
Keywords: mathematical simulation, target environment, physical optics, physical theory of diffraction, synthetic aperture |
The article deals with the issues of mathematical simulation of highly detailed target environment (underlying terrain) based on a 3D graphic model. Developing this model makes it possible to have the ground testing conditions approximate full-scale testing conditions much better. We analyse our model in comparison with other underlying terrain models. We present a technique using the theory of physical optics for computing the radar signal reflected from the sighted underlying terrain zone. We analyse the accuracy of the data output by our model and estimate its application potential in mathematical simulation of synthetic-aperture radar operation, using a mathematical model of said radars implementing a direct correlation integral computation method
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