
Sonified Web Applications Defense Control System Architecture Against the Computer Attacks

Authors: Vishnevskiy A.S. Published: 02.10.2024
Published in issue: #3(148)/2024  

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Methods and Systems of Information Protection, Information Security  
Keywords: information security tools, computer attack detection, sound interfaces, computer typhlotechnologies, voice control


The increased need to protect Internet resources and shortage of personnel in the information security industry are making it urgent to create professional tools to identify computer attacks that could be used by persons not familiar with this area. The paper considers the developed auxiliary software for the visually impaired people that allows them to control the process of identifying computer attacks by the ear. It describes architecture of a web application collecting data on the spread of potentially malicious files, network attacks, and infected emails. Accumulated signs of the intruders' actions are voiced in the administrative panel adapted for working by ear using speech synthesis and implemented sonification methods. Navigation through the user interface is carried out using the input and voice control keyboard. The proposed software solution is based on the web technologies making it possible to use it both on the desktop computers and on the mobile devices. The developed technology could be introduced, among other things, to reduce visual load on the information security specialists with healthy vision, as well as in situations, where visual display is unavailable

The work was supported by the grant IB MTUCI 2023 under the Agreement no. 40469 09/23-K on implementation of the scientific project dated July 11, 2023 no. 09/23-K

Please cite this article in English as:

Vishnevskiy A.S. Sonified web applications defense control system architecture against the computer attacks. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Instrument Engineering, 2024, no. 3 (148), pp. 136--147 (in Russ.). EDN: ZNJWMF


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