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В.И. Кузовлев, А.О. Орлов


ISSN 0236-3933. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Приборостроение. 2016. № 5

Просьба ссылаться на эту статью следующим образом:

Кузовлев В.И., Орлов А.О. Выявление аномалий при прогнозном анализе данных //

Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Приборостроение. 2016. № 5. C. 75–85.

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2016-5-75-85


V.I. Kuzovlev

A.O. Orlov

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russian Federation



Designing data models for prognostic purposes require

anomalies detection method. This article describes the

choice of the method and how it applies for the decision

tree model algorithm. The authors not only describe the

methods of data anomalies search, but also explain basic

steps of the algorithm itself. The work analyzes search pa-

rameters and their major influence on the method applica-

tion outcome. As a result of both anomalies detection

methods and decision tree model algorithm design the

accuracy of the prognostic model increases. It happens due

to improved model robustness and also a significant per-

formance improvement of the analysis

Anomalies, outliers in data, prog-

nostic analysis, decision tree model


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