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Малогабаритный эрбиевый лазерный излучатель с диодной накачкой…

ISSN 0236-3933. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Приборостроение. 2017. № 5




The work focuses on the design method of erbium-glass

pulse laser emitter, working in eye-safe wavelength range

(1540 nm), with an acousto-optic crystal quartz shutter.

The study shows that if the driving power supplied to the

acousto-optic shutter is 25 W, diffraction efficiency can

reach no less than 0.45 that can be considered as acceptable

value for vibration damping in low gain active medium of

erbium-glass laser. We used the system of active medium

rate equations to create an erbium-glass laser model that

can make optimization of laser emitter output characteris-

tics. Within our research we designed and created an ex-

perimental model sample of erbium-glass acousto-optic

shuttered laser, emitting pulses with duration 16 ns, energy

15 mJ and frequency 2…5 Hz. Findings of the research can

be successfully used for perfection of pulse laser rangefin-

der characteristics

Erbium-glass laser emitter, design

method, acousto-optic shutter, dif-

fraction efficiency, laser rangefinder

Received 07.02.2017

© BMSTU, 2017


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