
Thermoresistive Level Gage of Cryogenic Liquid Based on High-Temperature Superconductor

Authors: Kolosov M.A., Emelianov V.Yu. Published: 10.12.2014
Published in issue: #6(99)/2014  

Category: Design and technology  
Keywords: high-temperature superconductor, level measurement of cryogenic liquid, thermoresistive level gage, secondary level gage, level gage, high-temperature superconductivity HTSC - gage, Dewar flask, liquid nitrogen

The article discusses the creation of cryogenic liquid level gage where the thermoresistive effect in composite high-temperature superconductors is applied. The usage of thin high-temperature superconductors enables small heat penetration to the cryoagent and potentially allows to obtain good inertial, metrological and economic (a payment for one measurement) indicators. Results of heat exchange modeling of high-temperature superconductors with liquid nitrogen are considered. Experimental performance data of high-temperature superconductors are given. The secondary gage of liquid nitrogen level is developed, created and approbated by means of a Dewar flask with liquid nitrogen.


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