
The usage of OFDM-based signals in underwater acoustic channel

Authors: Shakhtarin B.I., Fedotov A.A., Balakhonov K.A., Kalashnikov K.S. Published: 12.10.2015
Published in issue: #5(104)/2015  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2015-5-30-43

Category: Radio Engineering and Communication  
Keywords: underwater communication systems, underwater acoustic channel, quadrature amplitude modulation, multicarrier modulation, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing

The paper describes the specific usage of wireless communication in the underwater acoustic channel. It considers the operating principle of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) as one of the most promising types of signal-code structures, which is used for dealing with the effect of reverberation and intersymbol interference. The paper also presents the results of the communication system simulation based on the OFDM algorithm in the MATLAB Simulink software product. The influence of noise contamination in the data transmission channel on an accuracy of receiving data is considered.


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