
Neuronetwork Converters Structures Realization of Voltage in the Code on Programmable Analog Integrated Schemes

Authors: Chelebaev S.V., Antonenko A.V. Published: 08.02.2015
Published in issue: #1(100)/2015  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2015-1-22-33

Category: Radio Engineering and Communication  
Keywords: analog-digital neuronetwork, converter, voltage, code, programmable analog integrated scheme

The authors have described: the choice neuronetwork structures for converters of voltage in a digital code for their subsequent realization on the programmable analog integrated schemes (PAIS); development of functional scheme of the neuronetwork converter of voltage in a digital code on PAIS; training of the neuronetwork converter of voltage in a digital code for its realization on PAIS; programming of the neuronetwork converter of voltage in a digital code on the basis of PAIS and simulation of operation for the neuronetwork converter of voltage in a digital code on PAIS.


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