
Miniature Gyroscope based on Elastic Waves in Solids for Small Spacecraft

Authors: Basarab M.A., Lunin B.S. , Matveev V.A. , Fomichev A.V., Chumankin E.A., Yurin A.V. Published: 16.09.2014
Published in issue: #4(97)/2014  

Category: Navigational & Gyroscopic Systems  
Keywords: gyroscope based on elastic waves in solids, metal resonator, Q-factor, thermoelastic loss, finite element modeling, small spacecraft, strapdown inertial navigation system, control system

The prospects of using small spacecraft of integrated platformless inertial navigation system as a part of control system using a miniature gyroscope based on elastic waves in solids are discussed. The results of the theoretical and practical development of gyroscope based on elastic waves in solids with metallic resonator are given. The main attention is paid to the problems of creation of metal resonators with high-quality Q-factor. The influence of the structural elements of the resonator on its technical parameters is studied. Simulation results are presented. The correlation of the technical parameters of the resonator from the geometry of its structural elements, as well as from properties of the material from which it will be made, is revealed.


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