Energy Analysis of Prospects of Using the F-Class Orbits for Formation of Applied Satellite Systems
Authors: Zvyagin F.V., Lysenko L.N. | Published: 23.05.2014 |
Published in issue: #3(96)/2014 | |
DOI: | |
Category: Navigational & Gyroscopic Systems | |
Keywords: three-body problem, satellite system, the F-class orbits, anti-asteroid security, resonant orbits, libration points |
The possibility of building a satellite system based on the use of F-class orbits of the restricted problem of three bodies (RPTB) is analyzed. The main feature of the satellite system under study is the location of the spacecrafts included in the system on the Earth orbit both ahead and behind the Earth at any angle value in the range ±π. In the context of a widely used RPTB model of motion, the energy costs are investigated for a spacecraft injection into the target points on the Earth's orbit and the subsequent correction of spacecraft motion along the target orbit. The numerical simulation with solving boundary value problems allowed a total cost of the characteristic velocity to be determined for different launch schemes and showed that in terms of minimizing energy consumption, the direct launch of a spacecraft to the target point along the perturbed F-class orbit is an optimal method.
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