
Increasing the Probability of Star Identification by Integrating a Star Tracker with a MEMS Gyroscope

Authors: Knyazev V.O., Pozdnyakov A.A. Published: 13.02.2014
Published in issue: #1(94)/2014  

Category: Navigational & Gyroscopic Systems  
Keywords: star tracker, angular rate sensor, MEMS, star identification, tracking, star catalogue, algorithm

A method is proposed for increasing the probability of identification of a star-sky fragment with large angular rates of the spacecraft. The method includes two options: (1) determination of the angular rate by means of micromechanical sensors of angular rate embedded in the star tracker, selection of the optimal time of signal acquisition and the star catalogue specially formed for the current speed; (2) tracking the stars not only sighted at the photo-receiving matrix but also those gone beyond the field of vision. Tracking the motion of these stars is possible by integrating the angular rates from the MEMS gyroscopes with the following recalculation of coordinates for the current time moment.


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