
Average Power of Laser Signal in Bistatic Radar Scheme of Radiolocation of Randomly-Uneven Ground Surface under Condition of Weak Shading

Authors: Belov M.L., Gorodnichev V.A., Kozintsev V.I., Strelkov B.V. Published: 03.11.2013
Published in issue: #4(81)/2010  

Category: Laser and opto-electronic systems  
Keywords: laser, uneven surface, radiolocation, shading, signal power

The power of received laser signal during the radiolocation of the randomly-uneven surface with the Lambert ingicatrix of reflection of local segments under condition of weak shading was calculated. For the general scheme of bistatic radar, the analytical expression is derived for the average received power of radar signal with the normal distribution of heights and slopes of the surface for cases when a source and a receiver are on the same side and on different sides with respect of a normal to the surface. It is shown that the influence of the surface irregularities and self-shading of the surface elements on the received power manifests itself largely when a source and a receiver are on different sides relative to a normal to the surface.