Weighted error — new metrics for estimating quality of answer validation in the problem of question-answering retrieval
Authors: Soloviev A.A. | Published: 16.05.2013 |
Published in issue: #1(90)/2013 | |
DOI: | |
Category: Informatics & Computing Technology | |
Keywords: information retrieval, question answering, answer validation, question-answering systems, checking answer, computational linguistics, natural language processing |
The answer validation subproblem is considered in a problem of question answering retrieval. Traditional quality metrics at the TAC-RTE and CLEF-AVE seminars are accuracy and F-measure. From results of participation in ROMIP-2010 seminar, it is noted that a number of false answer-hypotheses that must be declined by the answer validation module frequently exceeds substantially the true answer number. A novel metrics—weighted error is proposed which penalizes the system for the first-kind errors (false positive errors, when an incorrect answer is shown to the user) more frequently than for the second-kind errors (false negative errors, when a correct answer is rejected and not shown to the user). Unlike the F-measure, it also rewards the system for the properly rejected (true negative) answer.
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