
Personalization in a Hypertext Network Based on Recognition of User Activity and Fuzzy Aggregation

Authors: Alfimtsev A.N. , Devyatkov V.V., Sakulin S.A.  Published: 09.09.2013
Published in issue: #3(88)/2012  

Category: Informatics & Computing Technology  
Keywords: personalization in the hypertext network, fuzzy aggregation, Choquet fuzzy integral, Sugeno fuzzy integral, fuzzy measure

The method of personalization in the hypertext network, based on the recognition of user activity and fuzzy aggregation, is considered. The advantages of this approach are: the possibility of using two types of fuzzy integrals without the necessity for specifying an expert set of fuzzy measures and the coverage of all stages of the personalization, starting from aggregation of query parameters of a single user and ending with aggregation of individual user profiles in a unified parameter of the group of users.