
Stability Study of Output Characteristics of All-Fiber Ultrashort Pulse Ring Erbium Lasers

Authors: Kudelin I.S., Dvoretskiy D.A., Sazonkin S.G., Orekhov I.O., Krylov A.A., Pnev A.B., Karasik V.E., Denisov L.K. Published: 02.08.2017
Published in issue: #4(115)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2017-4-4-16

Category: Instrument Engineering, Metrology, Information-Measuring Instruments and Systems | Chapter: Optical and Optoelectronic Instruments and Complexes  
Keywords: fiber lasers, ultrashort-pulses, nonlinear polarization evolution, hybrid mode-locking, passive mode-locking

In this paper, we summarize the results of research of all-fiber erbium-doped ultrashort pulse lasers and their applications in various fields. We presenthe main parameters of all-fiber erbium-doped ultrashort pulse lasers with a pulse duration of 100 fs and an average output power up to 30 mW without the use of amplifiers, as well as we discuss the various areas of application. Furthermore, we give a comparative analysis of the developed lasers with commercially available lasers "Avesta-Project" (Troitsk). The developed fiber lasers are close in their basic characteristics to the commercial ultrashort pulse fiber lasers. At the same time, measured parameters allow us to use them in areas where there are special requirements to the pulse repetition frequency stability, stability of output power and low noise performance.


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