
Algorithm for Object Image Automatic Tracking

Authors: Boykov V.A., Kolyuchkin V.Ya. Published: 29.09.2017
Published in issue: #5(116)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2017-5-4-13

Category: Instrument Engineering, Metrology, Information-Measuring Instruments and Systems | Chapter: Instrumentation and Methods to Transform Images and Sound  
Keywords: image processing, object image selection, tracking, random ferns, vision system, spatially-irregular background, real-time working

Development of reliable and precise object image selection algorithms, which are invariant to object image texture, background and noise parameters, and moreover provide real-time image processing, is a relevant problem. Random Ferns method seems suitable for developing algorithms with similar qualities. In this paper, we propose an object image processing algorithm, which provides object image selection and determination of the position data and overall dimensions for the selected object image during the object tracking. The proposed algorithm is based on Random Ferns method, and requires initial training. We carried out numerical experiments to evaluate the efficiency of such algorithm for several types of objects, whose images, with complicated image texture, were exposed on the spatially-irregular background. Moreover, we blurred images with white Gaussian noise in order to vary the signal-to-noise ratio. Findings of the research show that the object image selection algorithm, based on Random Ferns method, in case if the signal-to-noise ratio is greater than 10, provides reliable object image selection, i. e. correct selection probability is near to 100 %. The algorithm provides position data and overall dimensions measurement error less than three pixels. The algorithm provides high performance. The average computation time didn't exceed 5 ms even for selecting image of the object with complicated texture, which is exposed on spatially-irregular background. Consequently, it is suitable for real-time working computer vision systems


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