
New Circuit Solutions in Designing Functional Digital-to-Analog Converters for the Phase Measurement Systems

Authors: Fedorov  S.V. Published: 27.01.2025
Published in issue: #4(149)/2024  

Category: Instrument Engineering, Metrology, Information-Measuring Instruments and Systems | Chapter: Information-Measuring and Control Systems  
Keywords: information measurement systems, functional converter, digital-to-analog converter, operational amplifier, multi-differential operational amplifier, phase shifters, phase calibrators


The paper considers existing circuits of the functional digital-to-analog converters for the phase measurement systems. The disadvantage of these circuits lies in using the operation amplifiers in their structure, which have low values of their own quality indicators and do not provide differential conversion of several input voltages. Thus, it requires introduction of the external elements influencing their quality indicators. The paper presents a search for new circuit solutions in the amplifiers design ensuring differential conversion of several input voltages, as well as having lower zero offset voltage and higher common-mode rejection coefficient compared to the operation and instrumentation amplifiers. The conducted research results in proposing to use the multi differential operation amplifiers as components of the functional digital-to-analog converters of the new class of active elements, which would make it possible to eliminate the external resistors in the amplifier structure, i.e., their influence on the circuit quality indicators. Amplifiers of this class improve intrinsic parameters compared to the operation and instrumentation amplifiers. The paper demonstrates a possibility to design high-speed digital-to-analog converters based on them using the weighted summation principle. In this case, a resistive matrix with the resistance values reduced range is used. This allows increasing the digital-to-analog converter capacity. The given digital-to-analog converter circuit makes it possible to implement both positive and negative values of the polynomial coefficients, as well as expand the polynomial argument range by 2 times. Thus, the proposed circuit solution in designing a functional digital-to-analog converter allows expanding the device functionality, as well as improving its quality indicators

Please cite this article in English as:

Fedorov S.V. New circuit solutions in designing functional digital-to-analog converters for the phase measurement systems. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Instrument Engineering, 2024, no. 4 (149), pp. 92--109 (in Russ.). EDN: SJCMBA


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