
Options in Constructing an Antenna-Feeder System for the Radio Interferometric Measurements in the Sub-mm Range

Authors: Gaynulina E.Yu., Ikonnikov V.N., Kornev N.S., Nazarov A.V. Published: 19.06.2024
Published in issue: #2(147)/2024  

Category: Instrument Engineering, Metrology, Information-Measuring Instruments and Systems | Chapter: Instrumentation and Methods to Control Environment, Substances, Materials, and Products  
Keywords: submillimeter range, supersized metal waveguide, dielectric wave guide, quasi-optical antenna, EHF interferometer


Microwave radio interferometers are widely used to solve the short-range radar problems in studying the fast gas-dynamic processes; they make it possible to analyze the motion dynamics and reconstruct the deformation picture of the moving surface front. Taking into account specifics of the gas-dynamic explosive processes, radio interferometers should be placed at distances of several meters from the diagnostics object, and its feed line emitters should be positioned in close proximity to the object. To minimize losses in the submillimeter range feeder line at distances of 1--1.5 mm from the radio interferometer to the object, the paper proposes two options for testing the radiation channeling systems. The first option is based on the unique property of the supersized metal waveguides, i.e., sharp decrease in linear losses with the increasing ratio of the waveguide transverse size to the wavelength. A feeder line is proposed that contains extended sections of the supersized metal waveguides and short flexible sections of the dielectric waveguide. The second option of the radio interferometer antenna-feeder system is based on formation of the focused wave beam in free space by a two-mirror long-focus antenna with the split focus. Design option for the antenna-feeder system with beam focusing at the distance of 1 m from the antenna opening is considered. Based on the numerical simulation results, the optimal horn feed was selected providing the required radiation pattern and the ratio between the two mirrors foci and the feed. Introduction of the proposed quasi-optical antenna-feeder system as part of the radio interferometer makes it possible to obtain minimum possible losses in the measuring path and expand diagnostics capabilities in the submillimeter range

Please cite this article in English as:

Gaynulina E.Yu., Ikonnikov V.N., Kornev N.S., et al. Options in constructing an antenna-feeder system for the radio interferometric measurements in the sub-mm range. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Instrument Engineering, 2024, no. 2 (147), pp. 37--54 (in Russ.). EDN: HHUNKE


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