
A New Design of the Microwave Power Amplifier

Authors: Iovdalskiy V.A., Ganyushkina N.V., Panas A.I., Dudinov K.V. Published: 27.01.2025
Published in issue: #4(149)/2024  

Category: Instrument Engineering, Metrology, Information-Measuring Instruments and Systems | Chapter: Electronic Component Base of Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Quantum Devices  
Keywords: hybrid integrated circuit design, monolithic integrated circuit crystal, power amplifier, two-tier design, electrical characteristics, weight and size characteristics, thermal conductivity


The article presents an innovative design of a hybrid integrated circuit of a microwave power amplifier, characterized by a two-tier arrangement of crystals of monolithic integrated circuits of power amplifiers with direct contact of the front sides of the crystals with each other. The single-function beam terminals of the crystals are connected to each other and to the input and output conductors of the multilayer printed circuit board. The heat sink from the upper crystal of a monolithic integrated circuit of a power amplifier in a two-tier hybrid integrated circuit is carried out through a plate made of a highly heat-conducting material, the edges of which protrude beyond the crystal and connect to the heat-removing projections of the base. The purpose of creating a new design of a hybrid integrated circuit of a power amplifier is to improve the electrical and mass-dimensional characteristics of the device. Calculations of the thermal characteristics of crystals of monolithic integrated circuits made of gallium arsenide and gallium nitride at a constant power of 10 W allowed us to establish that effective heat dissipation is provided, which contributes to achieving the same heating temperature of both crystals. Calculations were performed for various values of the thermal conductivity of the heat sink plate in the range from 250 to 2000 W/(m • K) and plate thickness from 0.2 to 0.5 mm. A comparison of the electrical characteristics of the two-tier design of a hybrid integrated circuit of a power amplifier with similar characteristics of a single-tier circuit confirms the improvement in electrical characteristics. The two-tier design allows you to significantly reduce the area of the circuit by 36 % with a slight increase in height by 0.3 mm, which indicates an improvement in weight and size characteristics. These results confirm the prospects of the proposed design of a microwave power amplifier

Please cite this article in English as:

Iovdalskiy V.A., Ganyushkina N.V., Panas A.I., et al. A new design of the micro-wave power amplifier. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Instrument Engineering, 2024, no. 4 (149), pp. 41--55 (in Russ.). EDN: VDATYD


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