Technical and Economic Assessment Method for the Effectiveness of Technological Processes and Robotic Complexes Structures for Electronic Modules Assemblage within Multinomenclature Production
Authors: Ivanov Yu.V. | Published: 14.04.2015 |
Published in issue: #2(101)/2015 | |
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2015-2-58-70 | |
Category: Instrument Engineering, Metrology, Information-Measuring Instruments and Systems | Chapter: Design and Instrument Engineering Technology and Electronic Equipment | |
Keywords: efficiency, complexity, capacity, cost |
To evaluate the effectiveness of robotic complexes, for example flexible automated assembly systems for electronic modules, method technical and economic assessment should take into account nomenclature, annual production volume of electronic modules, performance, cost; features of technological automata, electronic modules and accessory; factual loading of technological automata and their readiness to the work; manufacturing yields of electronic modules; have the presence of the formulas for calculating production costs and costs of technological preparation; opportunity to be universal and easily be formalized; orientation to a market economy; the need to improve products of electronic modules and technological assembly datum surface. It is shown that the current methods of analysis do not respond the requirements of flexible automated assembly systems. Considered the author’s method technical and economic assessment and complex efficiency index based on it satisfy requirements of the electronic modules assemblage into flexible automated assembly systems.
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