
Verification of Intelligent Interface Properties in the Tiles Logic

Authors: Devyatkov V.V. Published: 15.06.2016
Published in issue: #3(108)/2016  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2016-3-65-87

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: System Analysis, Control, and Information Processing  
Keywords: intelligent interface properties, tiles logic, modal logic, verification of properties, intelligent agents, logic programming language Visual Prolog

In this work we developed the methodology for formal verification of properties of multimodal intelligent interfaces, providing a natural intuitive interaction of information systems with the person. We selected the tiles logic as the language for solving problems of formal verification of interfaces and temporal modal logic as the language for formulating these properties. The article explains the choice, considers the principles of verification (proof) of the interfaces properties as the validation of the agents interaction in the multi-agent system. To automate the validation of the agents interaction, we use the logic programs obtained as a result of the transition from the agents interaction description in the tiles logic and requirements to proper interaction in modal logic language to the validation program in logic programming language Visual Prolog. The methodology for formal verification of properties of multimodal intelligent interfaces is illustrated by the description of the agents behavior in the tiles logic, interfaces properties in the modal logic and logic program in the case of the three interacting agents (the leader and two executors). Of particular interest are the prospects of using the proposed methodology for other properties and applications.


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