
High-Speed and High-Precision Algorithm to Determine Angular Coordinates of a Three-Dimensional Textureless Object Based on the Contour Analysis

Authors: Artemyev A.E. Published: 02.10.2024
Published in issue: #3(148)/2024  

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: System Analysis, Control, and Information Processing  
Keywords: contour analysis, orientation, navigation, aircraft, spacecraft, textureless object, computer vision, angular coordinates


The paper presents a high-speed algorithm to determine three angular coordinates of a textureless 3D object based on contour analysis of the monocular images. The algorithm could be applied to identify the aircraft, spacecraft, and other objects angular position. Angular coordinates' computation is based on comparing the observed contour descriptor with the reference contour descriptor. At the stage of preparing the object reference descriptor, its 3D surface is defined by a polygonal mesh and is transformed into a three-dimensional descriptor based on the three-dimensional discrete Fourier transform. Angular coordinates are determined by solving the problem of minimizing difference between the Fourier descriptor of the observed contour and the reference contour descriptor obtained by two-dimensional interpolation from the reference three-dimensional descriptor. To achieve high performance and high accuracy, the algorithm implements the principle of iteratively increasing accuracy in the reference descriptor interpolation. In order to raise the algorithm speed, optimization minima search process is parallelized. The paper gives description of the algorithm and demonstrates results of simulating the implemented algorithm operation with synthesized images of an aircraft at the landing stage. According to the simulation results, the algorithm speed without using a graphics processor was 0.25 ms per one object in the detection mode and less than 0.1 ms in the tracking mode. The standard error deviation in determining the angular coordinates was about 0.23--0.3°

Please cite this article in English as:

Artemyev A.E. Introduction of the high-speed and high-precision algorithm to determine angular coordinates of a three-dimensional texturless object based on the contour analysis. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Instrument Engineering, 2024, no. 3 (148), pp. 115--135 (in Russ.). EDN: XLRKVJ


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