
Recursive Image Part Search Algorithm Complexity Estimation

Authors: Kivva K.A., Rudakov I.V. Published: 12.04.2017
Published in issue: #2(113)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2017-2-33-45

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: System Analysis, Control, and Information Processing  
Keywords: image processing, computer vision, sliding window, object localization

Most common part for many approaches to object localization on image is a "sliding window" algorithm, which requires an exhaustive search in a wide range of window positions and size combinations. It can be assumed that a recursive approach of searching some image parts with a rejection of most areas at each step of the recursion could be more efficient in some cases. This article provides a recursive image part search algorithm description and an estimation of this algorithm's complexity. It also contains a comparison of complexity between the recursive algorithm and the "sliding window" algorithm. According to the results, an efficiency identifying condition for using the recursive algorithm instead of the "sliding window" algorithm is provided. According to the proposed criterion we proved the effectiveness of using the recursive algorithm in some cases.


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