
Functional Simulation of Medical Organization Management System

Authors: Kostyrin E.V., Goryunova I.S. Published: 30.03.2021
Published in issue: #1(134)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2021-1-148-162

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Management in Organizational Systems  
Keywords: functional simulation, SADT, IDEF0, AllFusion, medical saving accounts, electronic medical treatment card, medical organizations management system, structured approach, design

Key stages in the process of providing medical services to population were considered. Treatment and prophylactic institution financial, economic and accounting services (departments) operation were studied. Functional model of medical organization management system was formalized and developed, which appeared as a set of diagrams describing all aspects of the system under study. When creating the functional model, structural approach to design, IDEF0 methodology (Structured Analysis & Design Technique subset) and AllFusion toolkit were used. Functional cost analysis role was noted in the process of reliable determination of costs in providing medical services and improving financial performance of the medical institutions. Medical institution management system role in organizational and functional structure of a medical institution was revealed. Composition and sequence of procedures were determined for application of economic and mathematical models in managing the tariffs optimal distribution and the financial result of a medical organization operation. Separately, recommendations are provided on implementation of medical savings accounts in the activities of treatment and prophylactic institution and integration thereof with the patient medical treatment record. Analysis of the designed system was carried out as a toolkit in improving quality of the patient medical care and increasing the treatment and prophylactic institution income. Developed integrated medical organization management system is relevant for the medical institution financial and economic units and is aimed at improving their operation effectiveness


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