
On Principles Behind Developing Software for the Information and Control System of the Russian Orbital Segment of the International Space Station

Authors: Voronin F.A., Nazarov D.S., Pakhmutov P.A., Sumarokov A.V. Published: 16.04.2018
Published in issue: #2(119)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2018-2-69-86

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Mathematical Support and Software for Computers, Computer Complexes and Networks  
Keywords: International Space Station, space-based experiments, information and control system, onboard computer, Russian Orbital Segment, international Space Station

The study deals with the design paradigm behind the software constituting the information and control system of the Russian Orbital Segment of the International Space Station. The information and control system supports conducting various space-based experiments on board the International Space Station. As the complexity of the experiments both planned and currently carried out increases, onboard computational resources and potential do not meet these demands anymore. We performed a detailed investigation of the structure, design principles and requirements implemented in the development of a new generation of computers for the existing system. We demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of the development paradigm adopted with the example of software operation during certain most significant experiments


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