
A New Approach to Mathematical Simulation of Sheduling at an Industrial Plant

Authors: Savenkova N.P.,, Laponin V.S., Mokin A.Yu., Artemieva L.A., Dryazhenkov A.A. Published: 02.07.2021
Published in issue: #2(135)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2021-2-103-114

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Methods, and Program Complexes  
Keywords: mathematical simulation, scheduling, consolidation of material balances, management problem, numerical solution

The purpose of this work was to build a model of industrial plant management and develop a schedule plan based on it. The paper considers a controlled model of product flows at an industrial enterprise. The model describes the interaction between various objects at the enterprise: production plants, manifolds, overpasses, piers, transport. In addition, the model specifies the composition and proportions of the components of raw materials and additives for each type of manufactured product, as well as physical constraints on the objects involvedin the production process. This brings us to the model of both the quality functional and equality and inequality constraints in the mathematical formulation. After building the model, the original control problem was reduced to two problems: direct and inverse. The numerical solution of both is provided in a close relationship between them. The study uses the findings from the theory of mathematical modeling, linear algebra and optimization theory, and leads to the development of the technique of building models of scheduling at an enterprise and numerical methods for solving the corresponding management problems. The research results are of great practical importance and can be used for effective management of the production process in many industries


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