
Method of Scheduling Optoelectronic Space Situational Awareness Facility Deployment

Authors: Goryanskiy A.S., Prorok V.Ya., Karytko A.A. Published: 01.10.2018
Published in issue: #5(122)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2018-5-68-83

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Methods, and Program Complexes  
Keywords: resident space object, optoelectronic facilities, monitoring, geospace, non-coordinate data

The purpose of our method is to increase the efficiency of non-coordinate data collection by optoelectronic space situational awareness facilities. In its core, our method uses a branch-and-bound algorithm to plan the operation of a virtual optoelectronic facility integrating all the geospace monitoring assets of the optoelectronic facilities involved in the scheduling routine. Introducing this virtual optoelectronic facility ensures that we obtain specific quasi-optimal results of solving the scheduling problem. These results describe the upper bound of the solution to the discrete optimisation problem of scheduling collection of non-coordinate data on resident space objects. According to these specific results of solving the problem for a virtual optoelectronic facility, we designed the final implementation plan for the whole set of facilities, using the frontal dynamic planning algorithm we consider. This algorithm allows the routine to be accounted not only for the static ranking of a resident space object, but also for the potential of controlling the object via monitoring facilities. We present results of applying the method developed. We evaluated the quality of the scheduling results that it allowed us to obtain as compared to the results of employing pre-existing algorithms. We also estimated the time complexity of our method


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