
Hybrid Algorithm of Situational Trajectory Planning under Partial Uncertainty

Authors: Lebedev B.K., Lebedev O.B., Lebedeva E.M. Published: 09.02.2018
Published in issue: #1(118)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2018-1-76-93

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Methods, and Program Complexes  
Keywords: trajectory planning, partial uncertainty, two-dimensional space, wave algorithm, ant colony optimization, hybridization

The paper describes a hybrid algorithm of situational trajectory planning under partial uncertainty for the two-dimensional space. The algorithm is based on integration of the wave algorithm and ant colony optimization and makes it possible to build a real-time trajectory of minimal length with simultaneous optimization of a number of other constructed path quality criteria. The trajectory laying process is carried out step by step. The constraints on the area map which make it impossible to lay the trajectory from the current position are identified after the trajectory reaching this position. Successively at each step relatively to the current position of a mobile object (MO), a zone is formed within which, by means of radar, all obstacles are localized, and then a trajectory section is built being a continuation of the previously obtained section. The whole trajectory is a set of sections linking the original position of the mobile object to the target position. The time complexity of the hybrid algorithm depends on the lifetime of colonies l (number of iterations), the number n of the graph vertices and the number of ants m, and is defined as O (ln2m)


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