
Algorithms for Solving a Discrete-Continuous Game Based on Combination of the Approximate and Exact Methods in the Context of Information Protection Tasks

Authors: Bykov A.Yu., Sysoev V.V. Published: 19.06.2024
Published in issue: #2(147)/2024  

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Methods and Systems of Information Protection, Information Security  
Keywords: information protection tools, zero-sum game, saddle point, discrete programming, linear programming, dual problem


The paper presents a model of a discrete-continuous zero-sum game between two players, i.e. defender and attacker, in relation to the problem of selecting protection means by the defender, and attack options by the attacker. The defender solves a Boolean programming problem to select the defense combinations, and the attacker solves a linear programming problem to find the attack combinations. It is shown how to reduce such problems to a matrix game. To find a saddle point in the mixed strategies, the exact algorithm could be introduced on the basis of solutions to the direct and dual linear programming problems. However, the problem in this form could have large dimension and unacceptable solution time. To reduce the problem dimension, the paper proposes to use at the preliminary stage an approximate algorithm based on the Brown --- Robinson method, but without explicitly constructing the game matrix making it possible to significantly reduce dimension of the problems solved by the exact algorithm. Based on the game reduced matrix obtained by the approximate algorithm, it is proposed to search for a saddle point in the pure or mixed strategies, as well as the minimax and maximin, if the principle of guaranteed results in decision-making is used. An example of solving the problem is provided, as well as results of testing the algorithms on initial data obtained using a pseudorandom number generator

Please cite this article in English as:

Bykov A.Yu., Sysoev V.V. Algorithms for solving a discrete-continuous game based on combination of the approximate and exact methods in the context of information protection tasks. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Instrument Engineering, 2024, no. 2 (147), pp. 102--124 (in Russ.). EDN: QYMMDE


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