
Automated System for Computing Manoeuvre Patterns in the Neighbourhood of an Airport

Authors: Arutyunyan D.V., Lavrov A.V., Stratienko A.N. Published: 28.09.2018
Published in issue: #5(122)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2018-5-45-55

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Automation, Control of Technological Processes, and Industrial Control  
Keywords: manoeuvre patterns, aircraft ground handling, air navigation, Performance Based Navigation (PBN)

The study lists control automation problems for aircraft manoeuvres in the neighbourhood of an airport. It considers in detail the main capabilities of software for computing manoeuvre patterns in the neighbourhood of an airport. We propose geodetic instruments and techniques for estimating obstacles and generating reports and output data. We supply guidelines for improving traditional flight patterns in the neighbourhood of an airport and efficient real-time coordination methods concerning joint decisions of pilots and ground services in the case of free flight. We implemented our system in accordance with the 1977 Baltic height system (BK77) used in the Russian Federation for geodetic support of airports, enabling computations and full-scale procedure design for the whole country


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