
Accuracy Analysis and Optimization of a Receiving Channel of Onboard Laser Ranging System while Measuring Medium Distances to Space Objects

Authors: Starovoitov E.I., Zubov N.E. Published: 12.08.2016
Published in issue: #4(109)/2016  
DOI: 10.18698/0236-3933-2016-4-115-128

Category: Aviation, Rocket and Space Engineering | Chapter: Control and Testing of Aircrafts and their Systems  
Keywords: laser ranging system, space vehicle, rendezvous and docking, photodetector, accuracy, optimization

In this work we analyzed the factors that influence the accuracy of distance measurement and range rate of onboard laser ranging system using diffusely reflected signal from the body of a passive space object in the 0.5 to 5.0 km range of distances. We obtained the relation of the total measurement accuracy to distance, using the receiving channel of laser ranging system with the two types of photodetectors. Our results show that when applying an avalanche photodiode, the measurement accuracy is practically independent of the distance. By contrast, with application of pin-photodiode the accuracy drops sharply with the increase in distance, therefore it is advisable to conduct optimization of a receiving channel. We present the results of optimization for a receiving channel of onboard laser radar system using the method of finding the Pareto set and the generalized function of efficiency.


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