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Исследование характеристик источников энергии для интеллектуальных устройств

ISSN 0236-3933. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Приборостроение. 2016. № 5


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Zinchenko L.A.

— Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor of Design and Technology of Electronic Equip-

ment Department, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (2-ya Baumanskaya ul. 5,

Moscow, 105005 Russian Federation).

Makarchuk V.V.

— Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Professor of Design and Technology of Electro-

nic Equipment Department, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (2-ya Baumanskaya

ul. 5, Moscow, 105005 Russian Federation).