Исследование конфигурации системы миниатюрных оптических гироскопов - page 6

The test results proved the effectiveness of the M-PD in the improvement
of accuracy.
Fig. 2. The fiber analogue resonator system configuration for MOG
Comparison with the resonator system configuration.
In 1997, the
authors have developed a fiber analogue experimental setup of the resonator
system configuration for MOG, in which a short PM fiber optical SSR was
used. The system configuration and its elements are shown in Fig. 2 and
Table 5, respectively.
Тable 5
Elements used in the setup
Length 10m
PM couplers C
, C
, C
Coupling ratio 50:50
Extinction ratio > 20dB,
Insertion loss < 0.2dB
PM coupler C
Coupling ratio 10:90
Extinction ratio > 20dB,
Insertion loss < 0.2dB
Extinction ratio > 20dB
Polarization controller
Extinction ratio > 40dB
Considering only the coupling ratio and losses in SSR and C
, the
calculated finesse of the resonator is around 50.
In the resonator MOG, the SSR and the light source are two key
elements, which should be developed carefully. The best approach is to
114 ISSN 0236-3933. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. “Приборостроение”. 2005. № 4
1,2,3,4,5 7,8,9
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