
5 mm Wavelength Transceiver in the Monolithic Integrated Gallium Arsenide Design

Авторы: Dyukov D.I., Makartsev I.V., Nazarov A.V., Osmanov R.R., Tsarev B.Yu. Опубликовано: 02.10.2024
Опубликовано в выпуске: #3(148)/2024  

Раздел: Приборостроение, метрология и информационно-измерительные приборы и системы | Рубрика: Радиотехника, в том числе системы и устройства телевидения  
Ключевые слова: radar sensor, transceiver module, chirp signal, monolithic integrated circuit, GaAs pHEMT technology


Radar sensors are most widely applied in developing collision prevention systems, security and military systems being exposed to extreme requirements in resistance to the mechanical and ecological effects. Transceiver module is the most important unit in a radar sensor assembly defining its main technical characteristics. The transceiver module importance lies in the fact that its parameters and characteristics determine largely the radar sensors efficiency as a whole (range, resolution, weight and size characteristics). Therefore, requirements to a radar sensors are referred primarily to the transceiver module. Constructing a microwave transceiver module based on the monolithic integrated circuits makes it possible to simplify the module board topology, improve manufacturability, reliability and resistance to the external mechanical effects of the entire radar sensors. Besides, it reduces the radar sensors weight, dimensions and manufacture cost, and provides import substitution of the critical circuitry. The paper describes technology, structure and methods in designing a 5 mm wavelength transceiver in the monolithic integrated gallium arsenide design based on the GaAs pHEMT technology. To separate design and manufacture technology of the diodes and transistors, a multilayer epitaxial structure of gallium arsenide was developed and produced. The paper presents results of simulating the transceiver circuit. It also provides results of the transceiver preliminary testing for resistance to the external factors. Possibility to implement the transceiver in the monolithic integral design using the domestic heterostructures is identified

Please cite this article as:

Dyukov D.I., Makartsev I.V., Nazarov A.V., et al. 5 mm wavelength transceiver in the monolithic integrated gallium arsenide design. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Instrument Engineering, 2024, no. 3 (148), pp. 104--114. EDN: XIIHRY


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